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Welcome to our blog page, which provides tips and tools on emotional intelligence, leadership development, team effectiveness and more. Scroll down to read more!

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

You work for a company day in, day out. You have your own specific role and responsibilities, and you’re in charge of finishing your daily tasks. You also know that your colleagues are in charge of their own responsibilities, but you rarely (if ever) cross into their...

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How to Become a Courageous Leader

We all know that effective leadership is needed in the workplace to succeed. However, let’s take a closer look at the art of leadership. What does it truly take for a leader to be successful and effective? How do leaders approach difficult situations and find the...

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Leading Effective Virtual Meetings

The dynamic of our workforce is continually changing. The current situation of COVID-19 has many organizations making quick, on the spot decisions. For instance, it is no longer safe for employees to work in their usual office spaces. So how are businesses adapting?...

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Assigning a Task Clearly

One prominent mistake managers make daily in the workplace is the ability to assign a task to subordinates effectively. Often, managers are vague in their directive, not specific about what a good job looks like, or think that they don’t have time to explain a task in...

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8 Tips For Giving Feedback

Giving feedback to employees is something that takes time and practice to master. New employees and longtime managers alike can struggle to acquire this critical skill. Providing an evaluation or critique on someone's behaviour or performance can seem daunting; giving...

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Coaching Skills for Leaders

Coaching skills for leaders is one of the most critical management skills you will need to learn.  Managing your team is more than just supervising their work; it is about learning how to support your staff and drive productivity in your organization. The key to...

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Mastering Communication Styles

Mastering communication styles in the workplace is critical to building a culture of collaborative and transparent communication. Leveraging your communication style ensures you are able to keep lines of communication open, respectfully seek information, and...

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Measure Your Emotional Intelligence

You’ve probably always thought that great leaders have some special quality that separates them from the rest of us. Well, you’re right. They do. That ”special quality” are well-developed emotional intelligence competencies. I think we all intuitively know that we...

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How to Mentor in the Workplace

How to Mentor in the Workplace

Learning how to mentor in the workplace is an important skill to learn. A mentorship relationship is indeed a two-way street. The mentor has to be willing to help, advise, and coach the mentee, and the mentee has to be willing to put in the effort in order to get the...

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How To Get Out of a Rut

We have all had those humdrum periods—those times when we seem to be doing the same activities over and over, and we feel miserable and unfulfilled about it. Perhaps you are bored with your life – there is nothing exciting on the horizon to look forward to, and you’re...

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New Year, New Outlook

Oh, 2018: a year of new beginnings. As we enter 2018 it is important to take a moment to reflect on the previous year and look ahead to the new year in front of us. What did you accomplish in 2017? What do you want to accomplish in 2018? How can you make this...

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How to Master Small Talk

It takes courage to walk up to someone and engage in small talk. What do you talk about? What if there is a lull in the conversation? What if you end up doing all of the talking? Whether you are nervous because you just are not confident, you lack practice, or you...

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Appreciation in the Workplace

Consider this: you have two employees who share the same job. Let’s call them John and Jane. They have the same duties, same daily responsibilities, and work with the same teammates. Jane is highly motivated and continually achieves exactly what you request of her....

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Leading With Your Creativity

Today’s most famous leaders are innovative, creative, and think outside the box. We look at someone like Steve Jobs, for example, the most creative leader of all time. Jobs thought of a unique and crazy idea that had never been thought of before, and even though some...

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Mastering Self-Leadership

Self-leadership is the ability to use your own personal strengths efficiently and effectively as well as having a proper understanding of your own personal behaviors. It is characterized by the 8 c’s of self-leadership: compassion, clarity, curiosity, calmness,...

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Communication in Groups & Teams

There is no doubt the importance of teams. As our jobs and skills become even more specialized, it often becomes necessary for people from different disciplines to work together. Companies are commonly doing multiple projects, and people can be a part of multiple...

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How to be Conscious of Consensus

The internet has revolutionized how we connect with each other. Today, we are no longer limited by borders, geography, or proximity. In the business world, it has democratized how customers interact with organizations. Just think about how quickly some companies will...

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What is Mindful Leadership?

Nowadays it is so easy to get caught up in the stress, noise, and excitement of the modern world.  We are constantly being bombarded by billboards, commercials, and jingles all vying for our attention. Add to that our reliance on our smartphones and the nonstop status...

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