Invest in Your Teams with Emotional Intelligence Training

Invest in Your Teams with Emotional Intelligence Training

Looking to make an investment in your employee development? Not sure what to train them in next? How about Emotional Intelligence training? But first, let’s answer a question: What skills do you want your employees to have?

  • Decision Making?
  • Stress Tolerance?
  • Anger Management?
  • Empathy?
  • Trust?
  • Assertiveness?
  • Presentation Skills?
  • Accountability?
  • Flexibility?
  • Customer Service?
  • Communication?
  • Change Tolerance?
  • Teamwork?

Emotional Intelligence Training

Ideally, we would like an employee to be all of those things but realistically, no one is all of those things, and no organization has the time or the budget to be able to train every single employee in every one of those skills…right? Well, if you look at the root of those skills, they all actually stem from one thing…Emotional Intelligence. Thankfully, through Emotional Intelligence and resilience training, you can actually give your employees the foundation to be great in all of those things. Right now, Emotional Intelligence is the single most important investment that your organization can make in your employees.

Emotional Intelligence is something that all of us have – no matter what our role in the organization.  The difference between being a great leader, versus being a good leader, is understanding and utilizing our emotional intelligence.

In this day and age, when talent is in high demand, do you find that you are losing your top people to your competition?  Worse yet, are you losing your people to disinterest and apathy?  Are they just showing up and doing time to get to the weekend? By helping your people understand their intrinsic motivators, desires, successes, and interpersonal skills, you are demonstrating your investment in them, and that you are an Employer of Choice.

So what is the most effective way to do Emotional Intelligence training in the workplace? Here are two things you can do…

Have your employees take an EQ Assessment.

The fascinating thing about taking an EQ Assessment is that it tends to show people their hidden attributes and allows them to see their true potential; whilst creating a road map to get them from good to great.

Leaders are put in place to lead their team, but how can they successfully lead a team if they don’t know their own strengths and weaknesses?  It is common for leaders to stick to what they are good at – however, it is their development opportunities that are most important to recognize and learn from.

Having your employees take an EQ Assessment will show them the specific areas that they need to improve in.

Invest in a customized EQ training program.

Once your employees know the skills that they need to work on, now you can provide them with the training to improve on those skills. There are two types of EQ training that you can find, Live Training, and/or Online Training. Both are highly effective programs but are communicated through different platforms.

Emotional Intelligence Live Training is a great option if you are looking for training that happens at the workplace, face to face, in person. It allows for multiple employees to be trained together on the same skill sets. If you are looking for a program that stimulates team bonding, then this is the more suitable option.

Emotional Intelligence Online Training is a great way to get more employees trained at once, at a lower cost. Employees can do this online training at home, and/or at work, at their own pace and convenience. This is more ideal for a company that is looking to do some training but doesn’t have a lot of time or resources to do so. This type of training can allow for the program to be customized to each employee and the specific areas that they are trying to improve in.

To learn more about emotional intelligence and how it benefits your organization, sign up for our biweekly newsletter here, where you will receive our latest updates, an inventory of resources, and much more! 

If you’re looking to invest in your staff with emotional intelligence training, book a call with us here; we’d love to listen and provide support in any way we can.

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