1. I can stick up for myself when necessary

2. I am hopeful about what lies ahead

3. I feel fulfilled in my life

4. I feel empowered and confident

5. I have a good understanding of my strengths and weaknesses

6. I am an open person

7. I try to understand where people are coming from

8. I think clearly when making difficult decisions

9. I am a self-reliant person

10. I care about other people and like to be helpful

11. I adapt easily to change

12. I am able to control my actions, even when tempted

13. I enjoy spending time with others and socializing

15. I cope well and stay calm under pressure

How High Is Your Emotional Intelligence?

Congratulations! Based on this quiz, you rank high in Emotional Intelligence. You are aware of and able to express your emotions in an effective way. Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success, and you are on the right track to developing an even higher level of EI!

Your scores indicate that you have a good level of Emotional Intelligence, although there is some room for improvement. Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success, and if you put in a little more work then you will be on the right track to developing an even higher level of EI!

Your results show that you are average in the area of Emotional Intelligence. You find it hard to express how you feel in a constructive manner, but you are aware that this is something you struggle with. Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success, and if you put in some more hard work, then you will be on the right track to developing an even higher level of EI!

Your results indicate that you are low in the area of Emotional Intelligence, and we thank you for answering honestly. You currently struggle with expressing your emotions, having open and honest conversations, and maintaining good healthy relationships. Thankfully, Emotional Intelligence is something that can be learned and built upon. If you start working on it now, you will see vast improvements in no time.