Change Navigator™ is a tool to assess how an individual navigates through change with the emotions involved in the stages of transition. Scroll down to learn more!
Assessment Overview
The Change Navigator™ is an assessment tool that indicates how one will respond during times of significant change. There are a variety of changes that will impact us personally and professionally during our careers. These small and large changes inside and outside of the organization can result in a wide variety of emotional reactions.
Change is inevitable. With this tool, we can determine how a leader will move through the four stages of transition that are common to periods of change. The Change Navigator™ model focuses on individuals’ emotions as they navigate change and the predictable stages of transition for a specific change event: acknowledging, reacting, investigating and implementing. Understanding how one moves through each of these steps is valuable information to support a change initiative.
The Change Navigator™ is designed for organizations that are undergoing a specific change event and are worried about the progress being made due to organizational adoption or about successful implementation due to potential cultural conflicts or lack of adoption.
It is a self-assessment that is hand-scored and includes a group activity. It is a 2.5-hour experience that can be conducted in any training program or change initiative in the change curve.
The Change Navigator™ works well with Change Style Indicator®. The Change Style Indicator® (CSI) is another assessment we offer and can be hand-scored or scored online. It describes an individual’s preferences in approaching change and in dealing with situations involving change. It is used worldwide to develop leaders and professionals on why change leadership is essential and how to leverage their change styles to be effective in a dynamic work environment.
The Change Navigator™ and the Change Style Indicator® can be combined into a 5-hour workshop that can improve interpersonal communication and understanding, improve teamwork, enable group creativity and innovation, increase collaboration and realize the values of all perspectives when working through a change initiative in the workplace.