Leadership Skills Assessments

We have a variety of leadership skills assessments available to help you determine the strengths and development opportunities of your team. Scroll down to check out our available assessments!

Our Approach

Assessment is necessary to accurately understand the leadership development needs of yourself and your team.

Understanding the strengths and developmental opportunities of the members of your organization will allow your business to increase overall effectiveness inside and outside of the company. We use a variety of leadership assessment tools, both web-based and paper-scored, depending upon our client’s specific development needs. The purpose of each of these assessments is to collect information on leadership effectiveness.

It is imperative that participants understand that the results of their assessments are kept entirely confidential and will only be seen by themselves and their coach. We encourage each employee to be as honest and accurate as possible while completing the assessment to ensure they can make the most of this professional development opportunity.

EQ Assessments

The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0®) is the world’s leading measure of emotional intelligence skills. After completing the assessment, individuals will gain a deeper understanding of how EQ competencies affect workplace performance (conflict resolution, teamwork, decision making, change management and more).

We have five types of EQ assessment reports available:

  • EQ-i 2.0® Workplace Report
  • EQ-i 2.0® Leadership Report
  • EQ-i 2.0® Group Report
  • EQ-360® Workplace Report
  • EQ-360® Leadership Report
EQ Assessments
Change Navigator | EI Experience

Change Navigator

The Change Navigator™ is a tool to assess how an individual navigates through change with the emotions involved in the stages of transition.

The four stages of transition for a change event are:

  • Acknowledging
  • Reacting
  • Investigating
  • Implementing

This tool is useful for anyone affected by, or who will have an impact on, organizational change.

Change Style Indicator

The Change Style Indicator® is an assessment tool that helps determine how an individual will deal with change in the workplace. This assessment identifies the participant’s change style preference while providing information on how to best work with other preferences.

This assessment considers three change styles and available reports are:

  • Conserver
  • Pragmatist
  • Originator
  • Change Style Indicator Individual Report
  • Change Style Indicator Group Report
Change Style Indicator | EI Experience
Influence Style Assessment | Infuence Style Indicator | EI Experience

Influence Style Indicator

The Influence Style Indicator™ is a tool to help determine how an individual prefers to influence others. This assessment provides each participant with the opportunity to understand their preferred style as well as ways to better communicate with those who have varying styles.

The five influencing styles are:

  • Rationalizing
  • Asserting
  • Negotiating
  • Inspiring
  • Bridging

We have two types of Influence Style Indicator reports available:

  1. Influence Style Indicator Individual Report
  2. Influence Style Indicator Group Report

Hardiness Resilience Gauge

The Hardiness Resilience Gauge™ is an assessment that focuses on helping an individual identify their level of hardiness and determines how varying qualities complement or impair one’s ability to handle stressful and unexpected situations.

The three components of a person’s hardiness level are:

  • Challenge
  • Control
  • Commitment
Resilience Assessment | Hardiness Resilience Gauge | EI Experience
Understanding your Myers-Briggs results will lead to better team culture

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)® is an assessment that measures an individual’s preference in four key areas to understand personality styles. This assessment provides further insight in your learning, leadership, team, and career development at your organization.

We have several of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® reports available, including our most popular reports:

  • MBTI® Step I Profile
  • MBTI® Step II Profile
  • MBTI® Step II Interpretive Report

What Our Clients Say

Dealing with Workplace Conflict Using EI

A workplace brings together people with different life experiences, perspectives, and communication styles. That's why workplace conflict of some kind will inevitably arise. In a social setting, people can simply choose to limit interactions. At work, however, it is a...

Looking Ahead at 2023: Predictions From an EI Expert

At the beginning of the New Year, there is a natural urge to try to make predictions about the year ahead. Many take a shot at the changes to come, whether in real estate, stocks, fashion trends, or the job market. Emotional Intelligence expert Carolyn Stern shares...

How To Support Introverts in the Workplace

As a society, we tend to listen to the loudest voice in the room. This is where extroverts may have more advantages in the workplace than introverts. However, the loudest person doesn’t necessarily always have the best ideas.    That means it is up to leaders to make...

Three Tips To Becoming A Transformational Leader

What is a Transformational Leader? Transformational leaders anticipate changes within an organization and aim to be ahead of them by preparing team members on how to navigate through them. The result will be a culture that fosters adaptability and innovation, where...

Identifying and Overcoming Your Growth Barriers

The Importance of Identifying Barriers Barriers represent the real-life issues that get in the way of our success. The fascinating thing about barriers, however, is that though they may appear overwhelming, they serve a purpose — they help us uncover the root cause of...

​​The Core Concepts of Self-Coaching

What Is Coaching? The role of a coach is to help people find solutions to their workplace challenges, rather than being the problem-solving hero and doing it for them. Coaching requires active listening and asking meaningful questions that get the other person...

Workplace Success Starts With Employee Recognition

A Successful Workplace: Creating a Culture of Recognition Every leader's goal is to ensure a clear path to success and identify all the factors involved. While it may be clear that a business cannot operate without its employees, how can you ensure that employee...

Factors that Influence Team Engagement

Has your team engagement dropped over the past year? Since team engagement is directly correlated to employee engagement, we looked closer into employee engagement over the past year.

The Secret To Amplify Employee Engagement

As a leader, are you engaging the WHOLE employee? Are you considering all factors that make them human? These components include their values, relationships, physical and mental health, etc. All of these factors add to the element of employee engagement at work. We...

Take Your Company to the Next Level: Invest in the Right People

As a leadership and emotional intelligence training company that focuses on recruitment, evaluation, and developing employees, we understand that hiring and retaining is easier said than done. The maxim “many hands make light work”  seems like a no-brainer when...