Visualizing Your Path to Success

Visualizing Your Path to Success

Setting goals is the first step towards success. They provide us with a purpose and point us in the right direction. Realizing and achieving our goals takes a lot of work and determination. Unfortunately, many of us get stuck at the goal stage, and can’t seem to convert our goals into reality. Why is that?

For many, setting goals stops there. It’s a one-dimensional thought. We write our goals on a piece of paper and hope for the best. However, our good intentions are short-lived; because we can’t visualize what achieving that goal actually looks like, deep down inside, we don’t believe we can achieve it.

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is attracting to our life what we give attention, energy, and focus to, whether positive or negative. In its essence, it simply means that we attract to our lives what we look for.

Therefore, if we are continuously worrying about being, or expecting to be, let down, we will be. Similarly, if we carry a positive attitude and visualize a positive outcome, then we begin to ‘see’ the possibility of achieving it. When this happens, our subconscious energy motivates us to do our best, in whatever we are doing, in order to achieve those positive results and reach our goals.

“It is important to understand that visualization is a natural skill of yours.” Innately, our mind naturally thinks in pictures and images. The key to living the law of attraction is visualizing a mental image of future events.

Our thoughts direct our energy where they need to be. When we focus our thoughts on our current situation, we tend to recreate, replay, and relive that current reality. By visualizing a different set of circumstances in our minds from our current reality, we redirect our energy to a different path or course, and consequently, recreate a new reality.

The power of visualization is a philosophy. In fact, many successful people and famous athletes have used the power of visualization to achieve success. An example of a celebrity who is a supporter of positive affirmations and visualization is Oprah Winfrey. Oprah recognized from a very young age that she wanted more for herself. She reminded herself every day that her life would be better. “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.” And that is what she has done.

Benefits to Visualization

There are many benefits that come with visualizing the life of your dreams. For one, visualizing helps us overcome limiting beliefs. At some point in our lives, many of us have doubted our skills and ability to succeed – perhaps this meant shying away from opportunities because we worried about things not going well. When we spend time worrying about what we are afraid of, who we shouldn’t trust, and/or what we are insecure about, we are ruminating and reinforcing our worries to our subconscious mind. Undeniably, we are recreating a clear, negative mental image of what we are most afraid of; hence we become frozen in fear. Instead, visualize an ideal outcome to help shape your perception of your current reality. When you exercise positive visualization, you can change your subconscious mind from thinking, ‘I can’t’ to ‘I already am.’

Secondly, when we change our mind’s focus from a negative thought to a positive one, we visualize an encouraging and motivating mindset. Once we know what we want and envision our future, it is easier to find the inspiration and enthusiasm to strive for more. The power of visualization is an extra kick-in-the-butt. It is easier to get up in the morning and truly work hard when we know what we are getting up against and can see the end results or the fruits of our labor. Therefore, visualize to actualize.

Lastly, visualization helps to improve our self-esteem. Similar to overcoming self-limiting beliefs, when we imagine becoming the best version of ourselves and achieving success, we boost our self-esteem in the same fashion – it makes us think about what we are capable of doing, which raises our confidence and self-respect.

So, how do positive thinkers really apply the law of attraction to achieve their success?

Here are two common visualization practices that you can attempt in order to overcome limiting beliefs, change your focus from negative to positive in order to motivate yourself, and increase your self-esteem.


Vision boards are probably the most commonly practiced visualization technique. Vision boards are a way of honing in the mental laws of success and visualization, including the Law of Attraction. By its very nature, vision boards remind us of our hopes, dreams, and desires. This physical and tangible object portrays our wants and needs, which are important to have when we are visualizing our success. It is a constant reminder to focus on our goals and helps us create a clear mental image of the future life of our dreams.

Law of Attraction Vision Boards are easy to make – flip through your favorite magazines and collect images and phrases that speak to you. After you think you have collected a sufficient amount of pictures and words, glue them onto a board and place them where you are likely to see them every day. Don’t fret about gluing every single desire on your board before posting it. Consider it as a work-in-progress, because of course; your desires may change over time. You will, however, over time see which images and phrases stick around, as others change. Vision boards give you something positive to work towards.


If you are a symbolic person, consider giving yourself affirmative tokens, which remind you of what you are working for. Take Jim Carrey – in 1985, he issued himself a $10 million check for “acting services rendered,” which he post-dated 10 years. He kept this check in his wallet to serve as a reminder for himself for what it is he wanted to achieve.

Granted, you don’t have to go as far as writing yourself a 10 million-dollar check. However, affirmative tokens can be anything that is meaningful to you. For instance, if one of your dreams is writing a New York Times Best Seller, it may be a good idea to print out a potential cover for your next, new book and keep that image in your wallet. If your book has not yet been published or printed, or if you have not even started writing it, having a physical token you can keep with you as a reminder for what you truly want to achieve, is a powerful tool.

So, there you have it – two common visualization practices.

Lastly, let’s talk about intention. “Nothing happens on this planet without it,” claims Jim Carrey. “Not one single thing has been accomplished without intention.”

To take positive visualization even further, we have to consider its physical form – our actions. If we live our lives with the intention to succeed and take the necessary actions to reach our goals, we are taking steps closer to achieving them.

Therefore, on a daily basis, look at your vision board. Touch, feel, and absorb your affirmative tokens and envision the feelings you will have once you achieve your dreams. Remember that you create your own path to success. Then, buckle down, work really hard, and make that goal a reality. 

To learn more about emotional intelligence and how it benefits your organization, sign up for our biweekly newsletter here, where you will receive our latest updates, an inventory of resources, and much more!

If you need help paving the path to success for your organization or for yourself, book a call with us here; we’d love to listen and provide support in any way we can.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram to keep up with our latest blogs!

3 Ways Mentors Can Change Your Life

3 Ways Mentors Can Change Your Life

Have you ever considered taking action in pursuing something totally different from where you are now, but were unsure if it would be the right move? Have you ever thought of how to make that move, but were unsure of how to do it? If your answer is yes to either of these questions, then you may want to think of finding yourself a mentor.

Whether the life changes you are debating to make are large in scale, for example, jump-starting a career change or beginning a new business venture, or if they are as simple as purchasing new furniture or deciding new hobbies to take on, having someone there for you can clarify your decisions and enhance your experience.

The value of mentorship in your personal and professional life

1. Pulls You Out Of Your Comfort Zone

If you ever observe young children, you would see the keenness in their eyes when they see someone that shares their interests or acts in a way that they desire to act. For instance, their fascination with magicians.

When they first see magicians, children become in awe. They are amazed at what magicians can make disappear and appear out of hats, and magicians’ ability to cut people in half. For a while, after the children leave the magic show, they try and emulate magicians, putting on magic shows at home for their family and friends. Too often, though, those same kids can’t seem to master magic, lose interest, and move on to the next thing. Why is that? Well, when magicians perform their shows for children, they do not get the chance after the show to teach these children their magic tricks. So, for these impressionable children, they do not get to develop their magic skills from someone that shares their interests and has skills in an area they want to grow in.

Adults are no different. Do you want to grow an interest into more than a hobby? If someone has something you want, you need to learn how he or she got it. “If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.” How we perceive ourselves and who we are can be defined by whom we surround ourselves with. We all too often become comfortable with where we are sitting and never really leave our comfort zones and venture out.

Mentors normally have something you want – whether that is knowledge, a different way of thinking, or connections in the industry. For instance, a company mentorship program can help extend your horizons, build, and strengthen your relationships with other people who have more experience in an area you don’t. When we finally get out of our comfort zones, then we are able to see where we are falling short, and realize where we can improve, and that is where the magic happens.

2. The Nudge – A Different Perspective

Mentors have been doing what you want to be doing, sometimes, for many years. They have previously experienced things that you are now just beginning to face, and have already put in countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears. They have the wisdom you need; you can learn from their mistakes. This is why, if the right mentor has been chosen, they can give you the nudge to start on your pursuit of happiness and self-fulfillment.

We are all social beings. We are attracted to people that have similar values, beliefs, and life experiences, which help build a strong foundation of trust. Finding a mentor that understands where you are coming from – your strengths and development opportunities and where your goals and aspirations lie – will make it easier for you to push through the challenging times that may lie ahead.

Mentors have a way of igniting the passion for their mentees by giving them a different perspective. Those that may have thought little about their abilities and how far their skills could take them might think otherwise if only they had a mentor behind them to push them to strive for greater things. The importance of mentorship lies in its ability to shed light on how you could do things differently, which could accelerate you in the right direction.

3. Expedite Your Journey

When we look at mentorship from the lens of a writer, we can see that writers are well versed in articulating their ideas and stories; however, it is their editor who gets their work from good to great. Mentors, much like editors, can help you go through your work with a fine-tooth comb – they can help you navigate your way.

Mentors are not people that tell you what to do. Mentors are people who help in guiding you in the right direction. For individuals trying to progress higher and leap forward, it may take years and years for them to get to their destination. However, having a mentor can shorten the learning curve required to get up there.

Mentors help us avoid mistakes that can be costly and time-consuming to our personal and professional progressions. They help in making sure that we don’t reach a point where we have to say, “If I had only known back then, what I know now.” It is important to take seriously what your mentors have to say. After all, they have been walking in your shoes for much longer than you have.

To learn more about emotional intelligence and how it benefits your organization, sign up for our biweekly newsletter here, where you will receive our latest updates, an inventory of resources, and much more!

If you’re looking to build employee mentorship programs within your company, book a call with us here; we’d love to listen and provide support in any way we can.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram to keep up with our latest blogs!

Improve Your Well-Being with Self Management and Emotional Intelligence

Improve Your Well-Being with Self Management and Emotional Intelligence

Regardless if you are the CEO of a company or a super successful entrepreneur, there is always room for personal and professional development. Oftentimes we get so caught up in our job, friends, and family that we forget to take care of ourselves.

When is the last time you took time for yourself?

This is an important question for two reasons. One, it allows you to reflect on how you treat yourself, both mentally and physically; and secondly, it shows how much you have invested in self-management for both your personal and professional life.

You could be very successful in your business life, but if you are not looking after yourself as an individual, it will soon catch up to everything you do.

Improve your well-being with self-management and emotional intelligence or else…

  • There will be a decrease in your mental and physical health
  • You have the potential to lose valuable relationships
  • Your work ethic will decrease
  • Your motivation decrease

Emotional Intelligence gives people the ability to manage their emotional and social awareness well-being and build up their emotional muscles.

Now, I know life gets in the way; we get stuck in routines that it almost becomes impossible to spend time to improve our well-being. Emotional Intelligence has 15 competencies of which 4 of them are the key to self-management and self-care.

1. Emotional Self-Awareness

Understanding your emotional cues is vital to self-management, but can only begin by paying attention to your emotions. What makes you angry, sad, happy, excited? Discover your feelings at the moment. When a situation arises, stop and analyze:

How did you react when first presented with the situation?

What are you feeling?

What outcome do I want?

How can I approach this?

 2. Stress Tolerance

Stress is something everyone experiences in their daily life. Having high stress levels dramatically decreases your mental and physical health. When you are presented with situations that increase your stress, stop what you are doing and breathe to remain calm- you will be surprised how helpful taking 5 deep breaths will be. We are all busy people, but it is important to take a little time and de-stress. Some things you can do are:

  • Read a book
  • Listen to music
  • Talk it through with your mentor
  • Mediate
  • Exercise
3. Impulse Control

Impulses, everyone has been a victim of acting on an impulse. Maybe it was that chocolate bar that was right by the checkout or that new gadget that you need to buy right now!

Although not every impulse ends in a negative outcome, they contribute to the decrease in your overall well-being. It is important to control your impulses and rationally think about what you are about to do.

4. Interpersonal Relationships

Even if you are a workaholic and your job takes up 90% of your time, it is important to create and maintain friendships outside your work life. If you are surrounded by business 24/7, it will start to weigh on your mental health. When you leave work, leave everything work-related, including your work-related thoughts, behind. It is great to make work-friends, but just remember when you meet outside of work, don’t talk about it. Surround yourself with people that are going to lift your spirits; who understand your beliefs, opinions, and will support you through all aspects of your life.

Self-management is a never-ending process. Remember that taking care of yourself first doesn’t mean you are not looking out for others; rather, it demonstrates your passion for your self-worth, which is an important value to have!

Take our EQ Assessments to learn more about yourself and your well-being.

To learn more about emotional intelligence and how it benefits your organization, sign up for our biweekly newsletter here, where you will receive our latest updates, an inventory of resources, and much more!

If you’re looking to improve well-being, self-management, and emotional skills, book a call with us here; we’d love to listen and provide support in any way we can.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram to keep up with our latest blogs!

Using Your EQ for Successful Networking

Using Your EQ for Successful Networking

Everyone has heard that networking and building relationships is a crucial part of business and it’s true. However, large majorities believe that networking is only done face-to-face, which is in fact incorrect. Yes, networking events are common in a lot of businesses, but if you would like to connect with another person or business there are alternative ways, such as: email, phone, or connecting on business social media platforms like LinkedIn. Limiting yourself to just one outlet to connect with someone limits your opportunity of actually making an impact. Using your EQ for successful networking and maintaining professional relationships, will set you apart from your competition!

The 3 Ways of Using Your EQ For Successful Networking:

1. You know your desired outcome

Being self-aware, and understanding what you want is a huge element of networking. Whether it is getting a new job, connecting with potential clients, or talking to fellow employees; your ambition to get the result you want will be higher if you know what you need and want. Before you go to an event, pick up the phone or send an email to a potential business connection to open communication up. Think to yourself why do you want to talk to them? And what is the ideal outcome from this connection?

2. You are more aware of others

There are two parties involved in networking: you and the other person(s) you are connecting with. Having emotional intelligence, allows you to not only understand your emotions but others around you as well. When having a conversation with another person, it is important to have the ability to pick up on their reactions, responses, and emotions throughout the conversation – It will help you with what and how you say things.

3. You are able to express yourself

It is important to be yourself when networking or meeting new people, and self-expression helps you do that. Once you work on your EI muscles, you will be given the strength to become assertive which, in networking, is crucial. Being able to walk into a room and exude confidence and a powerful personality will not only help you connect with others but make a lasting impression.

3 Important Things to Remember when Networking

1. Don’t only talk about work

It is important to make a true connection and build positive relationships, and if you only focus on and talk about work, chances are you will leave an unimpressionable mark on the other party. Small talk can be at times tricky, but find something both parties have in common and go from there!

2. Be creative

If you network via email or LinkedIn, make sure the message is memorable. If you are trying to get a job that you know requires a portfolio of some kind, be ahead of the game and submit a sample piece in your message.

3. Stay in contact

The biggest mistake people make is to wait for the other party to reach out first. Remember to ask for their business card, email address or phone number. After your first encounter, it is always a good idea to send a follow-up email or phone call to show your interest in them and it will leave a great impression.

To discover more about your level of EQ and how to improve on it, check out our free emotional intelligence tools! 

To learn more about emotional intelligence and how it benefits your company and team members, sign up for our biweekly newsletter here, where you will receive our latest updates, an inventory of resources, and much more!

If you’re looking to build your EQ for successful networking, book a call with us here; we’d love to listen and provide support in any way we can.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram to keep up with our latest blogs!

Invest in Your Teams with Emotional Intelligence Training

Invest in Your Teams with Emotional Intelligence Training

Looking to make an investment in your employee development? Not sure what to train them in next? How about Emotional Intelligence training? But first, let’s answer a question: What skills do you want your employees to have?

  • Decision Making?
  • Stress Tolerance?
  • Anger Management?
  • Empathy?
  • Trust?
  • Assertiveness?
  • Presentation Skills?
  • Accountability?
  • Flexibility?
  • Customer Service?
  • Communication?
  • Change Tolerance?
  • Teamwork?

Emotional Intelligence Training

Ideally, we would like an employee to be all of those things but realistically, no one is all of those things, and no organization has the time or the budget to be able to train every single employee in every one of those skills…right? Well, if you look at the root of those skills, they all actually stem from one thing…Emotional Intelligence. Thankfully, through Emotional Intelligence and resilience training, you can actually give your employees the foundation to be great in all of those things. Right now, Emotional Intelligence is the single most important investment that your organization can make in your employees.

Emotional Intelligence is something that all of us have – no matter what our role in the organization.  The difference between being a great leader, versus being a good leader, is understanding and utilizing our emotional intelligence.

In this day and age, when talent is in high demand, do you find that you are losing your top people to your competition?  Worse yet, are you losing your people to disinterest and apathy?  Are they just showing up and doing time to get to the weekend? By helping your people understand their intrinsic motivators, desires, successes, and interpersonal skills, you are demonstrating your investment in them, and that you are an Employer of Choice.

So what is the most effective way to do Emotional Intelligence training in the workplace? Here are two things you can do…

Have your employees take an EQ Assessment.

The fascinating thing about taking an EQ Assessment is that it tends to show people their hidden attributes and allows them to see their true potential; whilst creating a road map to get them from good to great.

Leaders are put in place to lead their team, but how can they successfully lead a team if they don’t know their own strengths and weaknesses?  It is common for leaders to stick to what they are good at – however, it is their development opportunities that are most important to recognize and learn from.

Having your employees take an EQ Assessment will show them the specific areas that they need to improve in.

Invest in a customized EQ training program.

Once your employees know the skills that they need to work on, now you can provide them with the training to improve on those skills. There are two types of EQ training that you can find, Live Training, and/or Online Training. Both are highly effective programs but are communicated through different platforms.

Emotional Intelligence Live Training is a great option if you are looking for training that happens at the workplace, face to face, in person. It allows for multiple employees to be trained together on the same skill sets. If you are looking for a program that stimulates team bonding, then this is the more suitable option.

Emotional Intelligence Online Training is a great way to get more employees trained at once, at a lower cost. Employees can do this online training at home, and/or at work, at their own pace and convenience. This is more ideal for a company that is looking to do some training but doesn’t have a lot of time or resources to do so. This type of training can allow for the program to be customized to each employee and the specific areas that they are trying to improve in.

To learn more about emotional intelligence and how it benefits your organization, sign up for our biweekly newsletter here, where you will receive our latest updates, an inventory of resources, and much more! 

If you’re looking to invest in your staff with emotional intelligence training, book a call with us here; we’d love to listen and provide support in any way we can.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram to keep up with our latest blogs!