Values-Based Leadership

In this workshop, Values-Based Leadership, leaders will identify their core values as well as the organization’s, examine where their actions might be out of alignment from their values, and by using emotional intelligence, bring congruence into their lives.


Course Description

Today, attitudes toward leadership are changing, and leading based on values and principles – is becoming accepted and essential. Your values bring clarity, focus and alignment for the entire organization — synchronizing your time, effort and energy towards what you want to achieve as a company.

Values represent what is important to you in your life; for example – integrity, kindness, growth, etc. They guide your thought patterns, your words, and, ultimately, your actions as a leader. Values guide your life and provide the direction necessary to chart the course of your days and the choices you make. Roy Disney once said, “when your values become clear, making decisions becomes easier.”

In this workshop, you will better define who you are as a leader, the values you want to instill, and the team you want to build. We will explore how to anchor your leadership in your values. Examples include values such as collaboration, open communication, social responsibility, intuitive decision-making, and creativity, to name a few. These values can guide how you and your team communicate, interact, and make decisions in the organization’s best interest. You will discover your values, analyze how they align and integrate with your organization and examine how these values impact your ability as a leader.



    • What are values?
    • Corporate values and personal values
    • Individual core values assessment

    Aligning Values to Leadership and Culture

    • Alignment of values to leadership choices and behaviour
    • Constructing a leadership practice based on values
    • Collaborating based on common values and conscious commitments
    • Connecting your culture and values

    Action Planning & Reflection

    • Values-based leadership goals
    • Reflection
    • Close
    • Questions



    Discover what core values are and assess whether they align with leadership choices and actions.


    Determine if individual values align with the organization’s values.

    Examine what changes are necessary for leadership to be congruent with corporate values.