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Private coaching is an excellent tool for seasoned leaders, new managers, or rising stars with strong potential in your organization. Each program is customized to the strengths and development opportunity of the coachee to ensure content, goals, and learning opportunities are relevant and applicable to individual circumstances.

Private Coaching Program

All of our coaching programs come with an EQ assessment. We use the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0), which is the world’s leading measure of emotional intelligence skills. This web-based assessment consists of 133 questions and usually takes between 20-30 minutes to complete. The purpose of this assessment is to collect information on leadership effectiveness. It is imperative that participants understand that the results of their EQ Assessment are kept completely confidential and will only be seen by themselves and their EQ coach.

We encourage each employee to be as honest and accurate as possible while completing the assessment to ensure they are able to make the most of this professional development journey. We will generate an EQ Leadership Report, which is a 27-page report interpreting their EQ results through a leadership lens, which will be used as the bedrock for the coaching program.

Program Overview

Following the initial six private coaching sessions, recommendations for continued coaching plans will be specific to the success and continued development opportunities of the coachee. All private coaching programs can be customized to meet you or your organization’s specific needs. Our recommended approach is just a starting point.

The program is built off of the individual’s EQ strengths and development opportunities with a recommended six sessions to start. Our standard program overview is as follows:

Session 1: EQ Debrief

Session one will consist of a debrief of the EQ assessment completed by the participant. The coachee and coach will dive deep into the results of the EQ assessment by looking at how each competency is displayed and how it impacts the coachee at work.

This session will set the foundation for the program by determining the direction required for action planning and consecutive coaching sessions.

Learning Objectives

  • Discover what is emotional intelligence and why it is critical to leadership effectiveness.
    Learn about the EQ-i 2.0 model and explore its five composite scales – self-perception, self-expression, interpersonal, decision making and stress management.
    Analyze leadership capabilities, strengths and development areas.
    Determine how the 15 EI competencies relate to, and impact, communication, relationships, leadership, team effectiveness, productivity and quality of performance.

Discover possible root causes for low EQ competencies.

Session 2: Action Planning

Session two will teach the coachee the importance of goal setting and the stages of change. The participant will learn how to plan and implement personal development change and set up a detailed plan for success.

The EQ coach will guide the coachee through a thorough action plan consisting of setting SMART Goals, analyzing the benefits of these goals and determining how success will be measured. This session will also determine what support and resources are needed to succeed while examining potential barriers that may impact the coachee from achieving their goals.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize potential barriers that may prevent success and strategize on how to overcome them.
  • Create a detailed EQ development action and commitment plan to guide short-and-long-term EQ objectives.
  • Established a commitment to change with a clear road-map on how to implement that change.
Session 3 - 5: Enhancing Emotional Intelligence

Session three, four and five are focused on enhancing the coachee’s emotional intelligence. These three sessions will be customized based on the three goals identified during session two. Each session will focus on one of these goals where the coach will help the coachee through the required steps to meet the goal.

Learning Objectives

  • Strengthen and amplify the lowest EQ competencies that are impeding one’s ability from moving forward in their professional growth.

  • Build awareness on how to leverage EQ strengths to be a more collaborative team player.

  • Gain awareness of the necessity of balancing one’s emotional intelligence.

  • Walk away with practical tools for enhancing crucial emotional intelligence development opportunities.

  • Understand how the dark side of emotional intelligence can impact daily interactions.

Session 6: Long-term Application

The final session will push participants to critically analyze their development to date while focusing on what long-term success looks like following their coaching program. The session will identify possible leadership derailers facing the coachee and determine how their strengths can be used to overcome their potential challenges.

After finishing the six-part program, participants should fully comprehend their emotional intelligence strengths and have made significant steps to improve their development opportunities. In addition, the coachee will understand what is required of them to meet long-term developmental goals while recognizing the importance of each to meet personal and professional objectives.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize the importance of ongoing learning and the role it plays in being an influential leader.

  • Investigate how EQ plays a role in the strategic objectives of the organization and analyze the implications they have on internal and external stakeholders.

  • Conduct an audit of one’s personal development plan, assess success and determine steps required for ongoing development.

Delivery Format

Our private coaching programs can be delivered virtually, in-person (locally), or a combination of both. It is recommended that sessions are scheduled for between 1 to 1.5 hours to ensure the coachee and coach can really dive into the material.

In Person

In-person coaching sessions are available in the Greater Vancouver, BC area. Our emotional intelligence coaches are happy to meet their coachee at the office or at their favourite coffee shop.

Virtual Coaching

Virtual coaching sessions are available across North America. We prefer to conduct these sessions over video conference for some much needed face-to-face time, but phone sessions are also available.