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Change Style Indicator

The Change Style Indicator® is an assessment tool that helps determine how an individual will deal with change in the workplace. Scroll down to learn more!

Assessment Overview

The Change Style Indicator® (CSI) is a leadership assessment designed to measure an individual’s preferred style in approaching and addressing change. The purpose of this assessment is to determine one’s preferences in initiating and dealing with situations in the workplace that concern change. The results of this tool place the individual on a continuum scale with three style preferences:

  1. Conserver
  2. Pragmatist
  3. Originator

The conserver is someone at one end of the spectrum who prefers gradual change with a clear structure and has difficulty dealing with the unknown. Originators are on the other side of the continuum where these individuals want to challenge the change structure and take a front seat in a radicalizing approach. In the middle of the continuum, pragmatists like to explore change structure while supporting organizational functional changes. Pragmatists have an easier time dealing with both the conserver and originator styles. Each of these styles is more personality-influenced than situation-influenced.

The assessment provides leaders of all levels with insights into personal preferences for managing through change. It provides context for how those around them might perceive and respond to their preferred style. This creates an appreciation for change-style diversity.

There are two types of reports – the Change Style Indicator Individual Report and the Change Style Indicator Group Report, which can be hand-scored or scored online. The results can be delivered in a 1-hour to half-day experience that can be a stand-alone session or included in any of our training programs.

The Change Style Indicator® works well with the Change Navigator™. The Change Navigator™ is another assessment we offer and is hand-scored. It determines how a leader will move through the four stages of transition that are common to periods of change. The Change Navigator™ model focuses on individuals’ emotions as they navigate change and the predictable stages of transition for a specific change event: acknowledging, reacting, investigating and implementing.

The Change Style Indicator® and the Change Navigator™ can be combined into a workshop that can improve interpersonal communication and understanding, improve teamwork, enable group creativity and innovation, increase collaboration and realize the values of all perspectives when working through a change initiative in the workplace.

Please note: We are only a partner with MHS. For inquiries on purchasing the assessment at cost and any certification information, you can contact MHS directly at or their toll-free number, 1-800-456-3003.

Alternatively, you can fill out their contact form here.

CSI Individual Report

This 12-page report identifies one’s preferred change style and explains why preferences matter. In addition, the report helps participants understand how to manage their response to change as a leader and an employee, outlines which emotions are associated with change and supports collaboration and understanding of the various change styles.
CSI Individual Report | EI Experience

CSI Group Report

This 3-page report combines the results from the team’s individual results to assess the change style preference of the team as a whole. It offers insight into the team’s strengths and identifies potential blind spots for responding to change in the workplace. The report will also explain what team leaders need to know when leading their teams and how to best support them through a change initiative.

CSI Group Report | EI Experience

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