As a leadership and emotional intelligence training company that focuses on recruitment, evaluation, and developing employees, we understand that hiring and retaining is easier said than done. The maxim “many hands make light work”  seems like a no-brainer when running an organization. Although teamwork is essential, you can’t just hire any “hands” to work in your organization. You have to think about their long-term devotion to the company, their fit in the company culture, and whether they genuinely make your life as a manager easier.

Who Are the “Right” People?

The right people for your company

No company can consistently grow revenues faster than its ability to get enough of the right people to implement that growth and still become a great company.”Jim Collins in How the Mighty Fall


It takes time and effort to find the “right people” to accompany you on your company’s journey.

It can be stressful to pass up otherwise qualified individuals who you know in your heart do not meet your specific needs. This stress, however, will be offset by avoiding the frustration of replacing the wrong person after months (or even worse, years) of trying to make it work. And once you do find the talented ones who are committed to your team, you’ll feel reassured that you found the “right” people to take your company to the next level. 

The “right” people are the employees who naturally crave training, mentorship, and coaching— and are the ones you should invest in. The biggest mistake for managers today is embracing complacency. When organizations fail to provide professional development opportunities for their workers, they suffer early departures and high turnover rates. Companies will not only lose critical skills and information but will also have to bear the high expense of replacing personnel. 

Take the Initiative to Invest

It is crucial to describe potential development opportunities to your employees and show serious interest in their intellectual development and future. Your employees will feel acknowledged, respected, and more loyal to the organization—all of which is an upward trajectory to retaining the “right” people. Moreover, implementing training programs to help your employees build and enhance their skills helps guarantee that you are fostering a competitive workforce in the future.

Let’s Talk About Emotional Intelligence

Buying stocks seems pretty straightforward, but it’s honestly not an easy feat. It’s incredibly nerve-wracking because returns aren’t guaranteed.

Investing in stocks is the same as investing in your people.

Companies struggle to select an optimal employee development program to implement in their workplace. But there is one essential component that all skills rely on: emotional intelligence

Step Back from Micromanaging

 Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to detect, interpret, and regulate your own emotions to reduce stress and anxiety, communicate with impact, connect with others, overcome life’s obstacles, and resolve conflict. It is divided into five composite scales: self-perception, self-expression, interpersonal relations, decision making, and stress management. 

Here are some examples of worthwhile investments in your staff that you can undertake today:

  1. Hard and Soft Skills Building Programs
  2. Emotional Intelligence Training
  3. Leadership Development Programs
  4. Mentorship and Coaching

Emotional intelligence is the utmost investment your firm can make in its employees today. It’s something that we all have, regardless of our position in the organization– but despite how many years we spend in college, most of us have never learned how to develop it in school. But the path to excelling begins with understanding and leveraging our emotional intelligence in all facets of life.

It Goes Both Ways

The employer-employee relationship is a two-way effort. For your employees to make your life easier, managers’ deliberate effort to be the employer of choice. After all, employees don’t leave companies—they leave managers. Bad managers foster toxic work environments, leaving their most valuable employees exhausted and anxious, which not only creates burnout but plummets their organization’s productivity. Bad managers pervade all parts of their employees’ lives; once workplace woes emerge in their homes, it causes a cascade of stress, discontent, and misery that impacts their personal lives. To ensure it doesn’t come to this and to take your leadership skills to the next level, check our latest blogs on leadership.

The Clock is Ticking

Whether it’s remote or live, EQ training is a highly versatile means of increasing employee experience in the workplace, from building and advancing skillsets to stimulating team bonding. But it’s important to note that the sooner you begin investing in your people, the more fruitful your investments will be in the long run on your company’s productivity, performance, and profitability. And we’re here to help.

Take the first step in improving employee experience and development by booking a call with us here by investing in your people.

To learn more about emotional intelligence and how it impacts your organization, sign up for our biweekly newsletter here, where you will receive our latest updates, an inventory of resources, and much more!

If you need help breaking down silos in your organization to foster productivity and achieve more, book a call with us here; we’d love to listen and provide support in any way we can. 

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Linkedin to keep up with our latest blogs! 

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