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Strategies To

Improve EI

Module Three, Strategies to Improve Emotional Intelligence, concentrates on providing best practices and strategies to improve emotional intelligence on an individual level. Scroll down to read more!


Training Hours: 3 Hours


Module Three, Strategies to Improve Emotional Intelligence, concentrates on investigating the suggestions of the competency advisors in Module Two and integrating those suggestions into actionable takeaways. This module will also provide best practices and strategies to improve emotional intelligence on an individual level.

In this module, participants will incorporate emotional intelligence into their everyday professional behaviours, which will help them make more conscious decisions, and approach their daily challenges with more insight and awareness. This module focuses on providing the appropriate tools to build the participant’s confidence and competence as a leader.

Participants will be guided through learning exercises to develop tools and techniques to enhance each of the five composite scales of the EQ-i 2.0 model. During this module, participants will be faced with group discussions and apply what they have learned to help add to their in-class conversations.

Following the session, the learners will defend their EQ progress to date and adjust their ongoing EQ development strategy based on the best practices, tools and techniques presented in class. With the support of their accountability partner, each participant will incorporate the strategies learned in class.


This module’s learning objectives focus on providing leaders with tools and techniques to improve each EQ-i 2.0 composite scale.


Enhance self-perception by improving self-confidence, discovering their passions, and becoming aware of their emotional state and triggers at any given time.


Boost self-expression by gaining awareness of verbal and nonverbal methods of expressing emotion, enhancing emotive communication skills with the empathetic communication model, and learning how to be more self-directed in the workplace.

Improve decision making by learning strategies to regulate their emotional state, discovering how emotions positively or negatively impact problem-solving and learning how to use emotional information to demonstrate effective decision making.
Increase stress management by identifying at least three stressors in the workplace, developing strategies to help cope with the difficult times and the unfamiliar, and building a long-term plan for managing stress and adapting to change.
Defend EQ development progress-to-date and explain ongoing implementation strategy.