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Module One, Introduction to Emotional Intelligence, will introduce participants to the foundational elements of emotional intelligence (EI) and will cover the implications EI has on workplace effectiveness. Scroll down to read more!


Training Hours: 3 Hours


In this first module, Introduction to Emotional Intelligence, learners will discover each of the five composite scales of self-perceptionself-expressioninterpersonaldecision making, and stress management, while exploring the 15 competencies that form these scales.

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence will address not only the benefits of emotional intelligence but also will cover the dark side of each competency to enhance awareness around the importance of balancing one’s EQ levels to maximize leadership effectiveness.

Participants will analyze how their emotional intelligence impacts their capabilities as a leader and the implications these strengths and development opportunities could have on the organization while exploring the effect EI skills could have on their subordinates. During this module, participants will be faced with workplace scenarios and apply what they have learned to solve the situation.

After the session, the learners will identify their emotional intelligence strengths and development opportunities and will focus on improving them for the remainder of the program.


This module’s learning objectives focus on providing leaders with a foundational understanding of emotional intelligence and recognizing the importance it plays in leadership.


Describe each of the five emotional intelligence composite scales and explain why each scale is critical in the workplace.

List at least three benefits of enhancing one’s emotional intelligence and describe how these benefits will impact them professionally and the organization.
Complete five application exercises aimed at building individual awareness and improvement in each of the five composite scales. 
Detail at least three examples of how the dark side of emotional intelligence can show up in leadership.
Identify at least three individual EQ strengths demonstrated in their leadership, and three EQ areas of development to enhance throughout the remainder of the program.