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EI and Success

In The Workplace

Module Five, Emotional Intelligence and Success in the Workplace, will investigate and evaluate the individual EI initiatives put in place from the beginning and reinforce what has been learned thus far. Scroll down to read more!


Training Hours: 3 Hours


This module, Emotional Intelligence and Success in the Workplace, acts as a reinforcement to what they have learned thus far, drilling down to a few key strategies to improve their overall emotional intelligence and their impact on the organization’s success.

As a group, participants will assess their progress on improving their emotional intelligence skills from an individual level, and discuss how that has impacted the team. From a team level, the group will analyze their strengths and areas of development, and discuss how EI affects the organization, which is an effective method to get the team sharing openly and honestly with each other.

Discussions will highlight the content of the program and focus on integrating the learning into the organization’s strategic goals. Emotional intelligence will also be tied to the organization’s corporate values and culture, and both personal and team goals will be set. This module will analyze the emotional intelligence capabilities of the group as a whole and dive into the implications this has on the organization.

Following the session, the learners will implement, commit, and apply what they have learned to a team development plan for their workplace.


This module’s learning objectives focus on setting up leaders for future success by ensuring that short- and long-term strategies are planned to continue development following the program.


Gain a deeper awareness of their strengths and development opportunities as a leadership team in the workplace.


Describe at least two successes this group has witnessed since beginning the program and the impact it has had on the organization.


Provide a critical assessment of the improvement the group has had since beginning the program.


Explain the three strategies the team will be taking to improve on a group level, identify the champions and describe the role they will be making for each initiative.


Define the short and long-term steps this group will take to continue improving their emotional intelligence skills and explain how they intend to measure the success of these initiatives.


Investigate how EQ plays a role within the strategic objectives of the organization and understand the short and long-term implications.